Book Project: “Healing through books: The evolution and diversification of bibliotherapy”

In 2012-2013, Natalia Tukhareli had been working on a scholarly manuscript on bibliotherapy. The goal of the project was to promote bibliotherapy to different groups of stakeholders, including health professionals, librarians, educators, and service providers in the social sector. The book Healing through books: The evolution and diversification of bibliotherapy received good reviews and was published by the Edwin Mellen Press in May 2014.

The book provides a brief historical overview of bibliotherapy from early records through the 20th century and a detailed description of recent theories and practices in bibliotherapy.  It suggests practical steps towards building a connection between literature and everyday life through the examination of the most recent bibliotherapy projects successfully implemented within clinical and non-clinical (creative) bibliotherapy.

The book can be purchased from the Edwin Mellen Press website


Hospice Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, September 18, 2012

An interactive bibliotherapy workshop: “Rewards and Challenges of a Hospice Volunteer Role.”

St. John’s Compassionate Mission, Toronto, Ontario

In 2011-2012, Natalia Tukhareli delivered workshops for the clients of St. John’s Compassionate Mission in Toronto.

The biliotherapy sessions address he following topics:
- Breaking isolation and building connections with ourselves, family,
community and nature
- Enhancing positive thinking, gratitude and appreciation for Life
- Being a Parent: Joys and Challenges.

Canadian Center for Abuse Awareness (CCAA), Toronto, Ontario

In November 2011, Natalia Tukhareli developed a bibliotherapy booklist on abuse for the Canadian Centre of Abuse Awareness (CCAA). The list of recommended titles on sexual abuse included resources for young children, teens, adults and practitioners.

Nkosis Haven, Johannesburg, South Africa

In 2010, Natalia Tukhareli developed an innovative Bibliotherapy Program on HIV/AIDS and successfully implemented this program in Johannesburg, South Africa as a part of the Nkosi’s Haven Library project.